Kesseböhmer will be complementing their attendance at the digital trade fair in May 2021 with their updated eService programme. One single login gives access to three sources of information: the CAD portal, eLearning platform and product support. The aim is to make products easily accessible to customers in retail and industry, employees and sales partners – from getting acquainted with products, to design and installation right through to marketing. This means the fittings specialist can see an entire process chain.
In 2019, Kesseböhmer simplified and speeded up furniture design and production at its customers for the long term with its own CAD portal and by inputting the fittings data into the imos “iFurn” library. Since then, a new service portal has been providing product support across the target groups. The training portal has an international layout, offering sales partners technical training which is available at any time and any place. The aim was to provide constantly updated and centrally maintained content as a unified information base for employees, customers, sales partners and retailers to access personally online at any time.
In the meantime, the content has grown considerably with the expansion of the product portfolio due to new product developments and improvements. Besides which Kesseböhmer has also expanded their network of national and international sales partners. Against this backdrop, demand for specific product-related training increased. Moreover, there was a greater need for technical support to be accessible online at any time from construction sites as well as for 3D drawings to be available. As a service commitment aimed at retailers across the world, Kesseböhmer has therefore now upgraded all three portals.
Accumulated knowledge
The multilingual training portal with simple, contemporary navigation conveys comprehensive technical and sales-related product knowledge – presented in a varied way that motivates learners in an online setting. Now it is also possible to quickly train up on individual modules separately.
The highlight is a new system of checking knowledge. This is where Kesseböhmer is supporting its employees and sales partners with their skills across various levels, thus making corporate knowledge transparent. The system is intended to create the foundation for future certification to high quality standards.
Design workflow
Extra functions are being added to the CAD portal in May 2021. The portal is aimed at all businesses which design furniture but don’t work with imos software. Clearly organised by product group, all of the detailed fittings data can be downloaded directly in the required language and latest formats (DWG, IGES, 3D PDF, SAT and STEP).
For imos users, Kesseböhmer inputs its fittings data into the “iFurn” library. This extensive and constantly updated online catalogue of supplier data assists with the selection and use of fittings in order to be able to design with variable dimensions using 3D software. Moreover, the planning and design data will be directly converted into readable formats for all the popular devices.
Support on the go
The service portal with which the company provides product support to industry and retailers, joiners, fitters and end customers, has also undergone thorough visual and technical refurbishment. The priority was the ability to find their fittings products rapidly, including on mobile devices. This is why Kesseböhmer turned to responsive design once again and optimised the search function.
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