On November 26, 2024, Hawa Sliding Solutions AG was presented with the “SVC Zurich Economic Area Award” for exemplary entrepreneurship. “The family-run company has been setting standards in the global competition for almost 60 years by means of quality and innovative strength. This shows that sliding doors are much more than just practical structural elements. They make entire areas of a room invisible, transform them into design elements and combine functionality with aesthetics at the highest level”, was how Christopher Blaufelder, partner at McKinsey & Company Switzerland, justified the decision of the 15-person jury.
The “SVC Award” is an initiative of the Swiss Venture Club (SVC), which honors small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in eight Swiss economic areas as the driving force behind the Swiss economy, and for their contribution to the creation and retention of workplaces in Switzerland. Since its inauguration in 2006, the award has been presented at two-yearly intervals, 2024 being the ninth occasion. A company cannot put itself forward for the award; an independent jury looks after selection and nomination according to criteria such as innovative strength, performance capability, regional establishment, sustainability and future orientation. In the end, Hawa emerged as the winner among the five nominated companies.
“Hawa Sliding Solutions AG, the winner of the 2024 SVC Zurich Economic Area Award, develops and manufactures excellent sliding solutions in conjunction with a top-class customer experience”, according to a press release from SVC. The prerequisites for re-thinking rooms and adapting them to the needs of a changing society have been established with dedication and creativity. More than 250 patents are evidence of the innovative strength of the Swiss company.
“Winning the SVC Award means a great deal to Hawa”, emphasizes Ezequiel Di Claudio, the CEO of Hawa Sliding Solutions AG. The award is not just recognition of the commitment and innovative strength which has flowed into the company for generations. It is also motivation for continuing the path that has been taken with passion and foresight. “I am equally grateful and proud for that which we have achieved together – as a team, as a family-run company and a partner to our customers”, says the CEO.
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