Flush-closing sliding doors are all the rage. This was impressively demonstrated by the presentations by the exhibitors at Küchenmeile 2023. They make entire single-line kitchens conveniently disappear, change the size and effect of the room and make the difference between a closed kitchen and a kitchen that is open to the living area. This is made possible using hardware which remains discreetly in the background, and moves front panels smoothly and quietly.
Hawa Sliding Solutions AG has collected the requirements of furniture designers and manufacturers, planners, users and fitters of sliding doors such as this and implemented them in the latest generation of pivot and folding/slide-in hardware in an interactive process. The “Hawa Concepta III” family was presented in practical use for the first time at the fall trade fairs, and was subjected to an initial test at the interface between the kitchen industry and the kitchen trade.
“The ‘Hawa Concepta III’ showed us that almost anything is possible with the kitchen”, explains Sarah Metz from Siematic. For the kitchen manufacturers it is important to be able to plan in a variable way, implement composed cabinets in exactly the same way as floor-to-ceiling applications, conceal interfering supports, slopes and pipes and add calmness and elegance to a property. “We haven’t had leaf doors and opening widths as high as this in the product range before”, explains the Head of Corporate Architecture & Design.
One, two and multi-door pivot and folding/slide-in doors can be realized with the “Hawa Concepta III” family, with or without a handle, both floor-to-ceiling and walk-in, and also for highboards and wall units. This is also in line with the creed of Eggersmann Küchen: “With the ‘Hawa Concepta III’ we can plan designs which live up to our claim of providing planners with design freedom for developing customized solutions with dimensional flexibility regarding height, depth and width”, explains Michael Brinkjost, Director Sales.
When doing so, the pivot and folding/slide-in hardware developed by Hawa “with technical sophistication” fulfils the wishes of end consumers exactly, says Anika Lechtenberg, Head of Design at Hülsta. The consumers now deal with design in a much more active way and much sooner, and develop a feeling for how harmoniously kitchens and living rooms can be connected: “Particularly in times when the living space is getting smaller, the ‘Hawa Concepta III’ helps to design kitchens as living room furniture and integrate them in the living area as a Wow factor”, she says, “or make the kitchen disappear completely.”
Concealment takes place behind a flush-mounted front panel with a harmonious gap pattern. When it is opened, the “Hawa Concepta III” neatly disappears into the pocket at the side. The new hardware technology does its job discreetly, and contributes to providing a puristic appearance. The aesthetic potential of even small rooms is fully exploited in this way. The kitchen blends into the living area with fluid transitions.
Adapt the space situation to requirements at any time within seconds? The “hardware performance” of improved operating comfort is suitable for this, as Michael Brinkjost from Eggersmann emphasizes. This plays a vital part in communication with the customer. Opening and closing of the “Hawa Concepta III” takes place without the use of force via a few touch points. Matthias Rothbrust from the “Hawa Concepta” innovation team is convinced: “Everyone will do this correctly right from the start”. Because the hardware thinks with you, and determines the movement. Sales manager Ulrich Barth confirms that these are also positives for the specialist dealers at Leicht Küchen AG. “The smooth running behaviour harmonizes with our brand philosophy in an excellent way”, he says.
However, the “Hawa Concepta III” family does not only provide furniture buyers with arguments, but also the kitchen trade. Thanks to the high degree of pre-assembly and the reduction to a few components, assembly of the pivot and folding/slide-in hardware and three-dimensional adjustment via easily accessible adjusting points takes less than ten minutes.
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Caption Proposal 2: Room-changing effect with a Wow factor: The “Hawa Concepta III” helps to design kitchens as living room furniture, integrate them in the living room or make them disappear completely. Photos: Hawa Sliding Solutions AG